Where to relax without money. What to do on vacation in the summer without money - creating an unforgettable vacation. Where to holiday in Russia in June

It happens in life that by the time of the next vacation there is no money and there is no money in sight, but you don’t want to take out a loan (and then pay it back). How to relax in this case? There are many options for a cash-free vacation.

Vacation on the couch

The easiest and most economical way is to finally spend time at home. Sleep, lie down and even look at the ceiling and window. Sometimes this is also necessary for peace of mind. However, during your vacation you can do useful things at home, for example, sort out the deposits of things in the pantry and on the mezzanine.

Many pleasant moments will come from watching new and re-watching old but favorite films, reading books and even computer games.

You can treat yourself to gastronomic delicacies that require long and careful preparation, or it is more convenient to rearrange the furniture. Finally, you will find the strength and time to remember your hobby and take up it again.


On weekdays, the route is known: home - work - store - home. But during your vacation, you can leisurely wander around the city, marveling at the changes that have taken place.

Parks, squares, squares are places of attraction for citizens. The parks often host free yoga or fitness classes, concerts and various events.

If there is a lake in the park, you can ride a boat or catamaran.

It’s easy to turn a walk around the city into an exciting quest if you make a plan in advance and use it to find certain buildings, unusual architectural forms or sculptures.

Do you like to take photographs? Then, during your vacation, you can prepare your own photo album of beautiful places in the city or surrounding area, touching dog or cat faces, flowers or trees.

Cultural program

Exhibition of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera in Moscow

Exhibitions are held in every city, new exhibitions are shown in museums, and theater doors open in the evenings. Ticket costs are low, but new experiences from cultural life are guaranteed.

Vacation provides an excellent opportunity to discover something new - learn to draw, dance, play the guitar or take a gastronomic course.


Have you always wanted to start playing sports, but didn’t have the time? Then you shouldn’t waste your vacation in vain - it’s time to go to the sports ground or gym.

Fishing? Yes. Bicycle rides? Certainly. Don't know how to fish or ride a bike? Then vacation is the time to learn. You can rent equipment and find like-minded people via the Internet.

Away from civilization

Even more interesting are hiking or auto-hiking trips for several days. Sleeping in a tent, cooking over a fire and admiring new landscapes every day - such a vacation will leave many pleasant impressions.

Hitchhiking does not require serious financial investments, but it is better to go on the road with a partner.


A picnic is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: to meet with friends and to be in nature. It’s especially good if you manage to have a picnic at the dacha - after all, many people love the amenities of civilization (water, toilet, refrigerator).

Friends and family

After getting some sleep and rest, it’s worth remembering the friends and relatives with whom you really want to communicate in person, and not through online communications.

Such meetings guarantee a positive mood and do not require financial investments, just tea and a cake for good memories.

On vacation days, you can go to relatives and to another city. True, then, as a thank you for the hospitality, you need to invite your relatives to your place.

House Exchange

Yes, this system also works for us. The principle is simple: someone comes to visit you and lives in your apartment, but then you go to visit this person.

You need to take care of vacation days in advance by posting an announcement on the appropriate Internet pages. In it they describe their city and their home, express their wishes about where they would like to go during their vacation. In this economical way, some manage to explore not only their own country, but also visit abroad.

In fact, there are many options for vacations without financial investments, the main thing is to remember that not everything is not always measured by money.

The long-awaited New Year holidays are ahead. Ten days!
Of course, a logical question arises: where and how to make them not boring. For some reason, it is believed that an ideal vacation is only possible on the seashore or while traveling.

An unforgettable holiday in Tunisia

Undoubtedly, every person wants to take a break from work in another city or another country, but this is not always possible.
It happens that we are faced with the question: “What to do at home on vacation?”
Don't despair and think that your vacation is doomed to failure. Today I will tell you what to do at home on vacation.

Best sleeping position

During everyday work, there is often not enough time to do what you love. Do something during your vacation that you have been putting off for so long. So, I'll tell you how to make the most of your vacation at home.

Do some handicrafts

Learn to sew, knit, embroider, bead weave or do macramé. Many patterns have been created for needlework and you can choose what you like best. You can sew both clothes - dresses, skirts, trousers, and useful things for the home - for example, pillowcases. Embroidery techniques are also different - cross stitch, satin stitch, beads. Some women like to weave jewelry from beads, others like to make various crafts. Using macrame you can weave a handbag or braid a bottle of expensive wine. Weaving techniques can be found in craft books and on the Internet.

Make your cherished dream come true

You can learn belly dancing at home while on vacation

Maybe your long-time dream is to learn how to dance oriental or folk dances? Or would you like to play the piano or guitar, or maybe go in for sports?

Look for dance clubs in your city or hire a personal trainer. If you want to play a musical instrument, then ask the music school or music college if they accept adults to teach. Hiring a tutor will be more expensive, but you won’t have to go anywhere, the main thing is that you have the instrument at home.

Before playing sports, consult with your doctor and trainer, they will tell you which sport is best for you to choose.

Start learning a foreign language

Sometimes you really want to know several languages ​​so that when you travel to another country, you can communicate freely with foreigners. While on vacation at home, you have time to get serious about learning the language.


There are so many interesting books written in the world that will take your breath away, but there is no time to read them at such a frantic pace. If your vacation is in the summer, take a book and go somewhere in nature, or maybe just on the balcony and immerse yourself in reading. This summer I spent my vacation at the dacha. Boring? No! I read! Here is my book list. I highly recommend it for you to read too. You will be satisfied!

It's good to spend a holiday at home with a book

Do you know what I like to do on vacation at home in the winter? Cover yourself with a warm blanket, take tea and cookies and immerse yourself in reading an interesting book. Even now I write and enjoy the memory of those feelings.

Meet your friends

With new technologies, we have practically stopped communicating in person. Because of work, we rarely call our friends, and even less often we see them. Such ignoring most often leads to the fact that friends lose common topics of conversation, and communication is reduced to zero. During your vacation, try to meet up with your old friends and hang out like before.

There are so many films being made every day, but there are some world classics that everyone should watch.
After watching some films, we rethink life and learn something. Watch a movie you've heard about for a long time, but haven't had time to see.

Watching movies is a great way to make the most of your vacation at home

Sign up for a driving school

If you have a car or are planning to buy one, then sign up for driving courses, which usually last three weeks. After successfully passing the exam, you will be issued a license. Of course, you won’t be able to drive around the city like an experienced taxi driver, but the main thing is to start learning!

Become a shopaholic for a while

Shopping always lifts your spirits. But during working hours we are constantly in a hurry and there is little pleasure from such shopping. Now you can leisurely stroll through the shopping center in search of a long-needed item.

Get some sleep

Probably the most important problem for the majority of the population is lack of sleep. On vacation at home, you can afford to lie in bed until noon, and no one will make a comment. After all, you deserve this vacation.

Dedicate the day to your loved one

Another way for a woman to do things at home on vacation is to go to a beauty salon. Not everyone can afford a regular trip to a manicure or a spa. But on vacation you need to rest, that’s why it’s a vacation. Go with your friends to some salon; men and friends can go to the bathhouse.

Master a new dish

There are quite a few videos on the Internet that show step by step how to prepare this or that dish. It is impossible to know everything in the world, which means that everyone will find something new for themselves in such videos. After all, it’s interesting to learn how to cook a new soup or cutlets, and your family will be happy about such changes.

For example, I always dreamed of learning how to cook cabbage pie. And then I came across this simple recipe quite by accident. Try cooking it too!

Finally, do some deep cleaning of your home.

Even those housewives who love cleanliness do not always do general cleaning due to lack of time. If you see that cleaning could use some cleaning, then turn on your favorite music and go ahead.

Get a full examination from your doctor

In the hustle and bustle of the day, we do not pay attention to the fact that we often begin to have headaches, that we have been suffering from insomnia for the second week or have a toothache. You need to take care of your health, do not delay going to the doctor so as not to worsen the situation. Vacationing at home is a great time for this!

Devote time to your family

It’s nice to develop not only materially, but also spiritually. Visit exhibitions, theaters, concerts with friends, parents or children, and then share your impressions.
For an interesting pastime, visit bowling, billiards, tennis, a cinema or an ice skating rink. From there you are guaranteed to return in a good mood and take a break from all your household worries for a while.
Perhaps you are often invited to cafes, restaurants or parties, but you refuse? To prevent your loved ones from considering you a boring person or being offended, invite them somewhere yourself or organize a party.

Renovate your apartment

While on vacation, you can renovate your apartment.

A constantly dripping faucet is driving you crazy, but you still haven’t had time to fix it? Problems with the wiring, but you didn’t have time to call an electrician? Renovate your home so that nothing irritates you and you don't have to worry about safety.
What to do when you're bored? Yes, just rearrange the furniture if you want to update the interior.

Make money from your hobby at home

Happy people are those who make money from their hobby. If you are not happy with your job, then a vacation at home is a great time to look for a new job.
During home leave, you can earn additional money on top of your regular salary. Look in advertisements or on websites for vacancies for remote work with a flexible schedule. Or read about making money online.

Remember your "old people"

Remember how long ago you visited your relatives? Close people are offended that you cannot make time for them and just visit them. Help your grandmother with the housework, she will be very pleased.

Get on familiar terms with the computer

More and more new programming languages ​​are appearing. If you are interested in computers and everything connected with them, try to learn one of the languages ​​and write some kind of program or game.

Pay attention to your loved ones

Take a walk with the children, help them with their homework, play. If you are alone, then look around, maybe your happiness is close, but in the bustle you didn’t even notice it. If you have already found happiness in love, then spend your free time with your loved one.

Burnt skin is a clear disadvantage of a seaside vacation.

You can add to this list yourself by simply remembering your old dreams.
Don’t envy those who sunbathe on the beach, because active recreation quickly tires you. A seaside vacation has its downsides: sunburned skin and possible poisoning from exotic fruits.
You can spend a better vacation at home than at a resort, the main thing is to keep yourself busy with something exciting.

And if you regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, I will tell you how to plan your day to get everything done.

Please be on friendly terms with alcohol! Vacation is always a serious test for addicted patients. Alas, breakdowns are common at this time.

Personally, I never have a problem with what to do at home on vacation! And you?

05.07.2016 10 433 0 Reading time: 14 min.

It's summer on the calendar, it's time for vacations, but the financial situation of many people and families, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the topic of today’s publication is budget holiday. We'll talk about how to relax without money or when money is tight— I will consider a lot of diverse options for a budget vacation with little money, which, I assure you, are in many ways not inferior to expensive and costly options, and will definitely leave a lot of good impressions and pleasant memories.

So, many people have formed a very persistent stereotype that in order to relax, you definitely need money. To have a good rest, you need a lot of money. If you ask different people about what a good vacation is, how they would like to relax, then most will begin to paint pictures of a luxury hotel at a world resort, tropical beaches, an all-inclusive program with plenty of food, and even alcohol. At the same time, not everyone can afford just such a vacation, and those who cannot quietly envy those who can: “here are the people living...”.

In my opinion, there are stereotypes imposed on us, in which we all find ourselves. This is exactly the picture of a good holiday that is created in people’s minds by those who make money from it: tour operators, hotel owners, etc. With the permission and support of the state, which also benefits from this, because the operation of resorts for many countries is the main engine of their economy. And in people’s minds, of course, the image of just such a vacation is firmly established.

I'm not saying that this is bad, rather, it is natural, this is exactly what should be expected. Another bad thing is that with such stereotypes, many have completely forgotten that you can have a good rest without money or with a very small amount of it. A budget vacation can turn out to be no worse, and even bring much more vivid positive emotions and memories than an expensive vacation from our stereotypes. So, let's look at how to relax without money or with little money; here are a variety of budget holiday options for every taste.

I’ll say right away that if you are interested in going to some resort, but so that it is a budget vacation, then you should read another article: - there I considered exactly these options, and here there will be even simpler ways to relax without money.

Option 1 . Trips to nature. The best option for a budget holiday, purely from my point of view, because I really love nature and everything connected with it. You can go to the forest, to the mountains, to the lake, to the sea, to the river - probably somewhere not very far from you there are beautiful natural places where you can have a good rest. Depending on the available budget and time, you can plan the duration of the trip: it can be either a one-day vacation or a trip for several days or even weeks. You can live in tents (they, like other camping equipment, can be rented, if not) - for many this will be something new.

The costs of this inexpensive holiday option are minimal compared to more traditional options, and there will be many pleasant impressions: you will bring a bunch of unique photos and experience great emotions from unity with nature and conquering nature, if you want. Such a vacation, especially if it is a truly beautiful and wild place, will probably be remembered for a long time. You can go out into nature either with your family or with a noisier group, depending on which one you like best. In nature, you can have a picnic, fish, play some active game like “Zarnitsa”, and much more you can do. By the way, the more people go, the cheaper the trip will cost per person, and the more fun it will be.

Option 2. A clubbing party. For many, the best vacation is a party with friends. If this is the case, but there is no money, then you can organize the party in such a way that each participant brings something necessary with them: in this case, everyone’s expenses will be minimal. In general, this option for a budget holiday is banal, simple and widely known, but I decided to mention it anyway.

By the way, in this way you can organize a meeting with classmates, classmates, members of a circle or section that you once went to together, former colleagues, etc. That is, to meet people whom you have not seen for a long time, which will make the meeting even more interesting. And finding them now is quite easy through social networks.

Option 3. Bike ride. A great option for a budget holiday is to go on a bike ride, for example, to nearby attractions or interesting natural places. This type of recreation can be practiced by the whole family or a group of friends, and if someone does not have a bicycle, they can be rented, which is completely inexpensive.

Option 4. Photo hunt. You can have a wonderful vacation without money by simply taking a camera with you and going somewhere in pursuit of interesting (beautiful, rare, curious, funny, etc.) shots. Or to any crowded place, or, again, to nature. By the way, on this type of vacation you can not only spend nothing, but also earn money if you sell your unique photographs through.

Option 5. Sport competitions. A budget holiday option that is suitable for people interested in sports. You can attend some local sports competitions (football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc.) as a fan, and entry to many of them may be completely free. Thus, you can even enjoy your favorite sport, cheer for your favorites, and relax for free, if you don’t chase super-sized matches.

Option 6. Cultural events, concerts, museums, exhibitions, theaters, cinema, art exhibitions, poetry evenings, etc. Looking for a budget holiday? Do you remember the last time you visited such establishments? So why not join cultural life with your family, friends, or loved one, because this is a much more interesting vacation than hanging out in bars. In addition, and not so expensive, you can always find ways to save money here. For example, the price of a ticket for morning cinema sessions can be several times cheaper than for evening ones - what difference does it make when to watch a movie? Well, many events (for example, on city holidays) are generally held free of charge. Moreover, sometimes they are simply grandiose: on them you will have a great rest, get a charge of emotions and a good mood, and all this without any money.

Option 7. Communication with relatives. Unfortunately, in the “hustle and bustle of days” and the pursuit of something grandiose and stunning, many people forget about their loved ones and pay very little attention to them, or even not at all. But when you think about how to relax without money, you have an excellent reason to remember them (if it’s difficult to do this without a reason). Therefore, you can simply go and visit your parents, brother, sister, take a walk with them, pay attention to them: you will change the environment, have an inexpensive vacation, and do a good job - three in one.

Option 8. Nostalgic days. An excellent option for an inexpensive vacation is to take a ride/walk through some memorable places that are dear to you, with which certain pleasant memories are associated. For example, together with your loved one. Strong emotions and vivid impressions are guaranteed, and the costs can be minimal. Why not a budget holiday?

Option 9. Beauty salon at home. A budget holiday option for the fair half. As you know, girls love to visit beauty salons, where they are said to relax. But this is a rather expensive undertaking. You can simplify and make it cheaper by organizing a “beauty salon” at home one day, that is, devoting the whole day to caring for yourself and your loved one. And let the whole world wait.

Option 10. "Homeless tours." Well, I want to end the conversation about how to relax without money, in a way that one regular reader shared with me. I took the name from her and decided not to change it. The essence of “homeless tours” is to relax without spending a penny at all (this is fundamental). That is, the whole interest is to go out for a walk, visit as many different events/institutions as possible, relax as much as possible, but at the same time not spend anything at all, for the sake of interest and excitement.

For example, walking or riding on public transport, eating at promotions, drinking from pump rooms, listening to street musicians, participating in public celebrations, etc.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for a budget vacation, ways to relax without money or with little money, and they are all diverse. I offered you 10 completely different options, you can find/come up with many others yourself, if you wish. Remember that you need to rest - your performance will directly depend on it. But do not forget that vacation does not necessarily mean trips to world resorts. A budget vacation can turn out to be much more interesting and bring a lot of new, unusual experiences.

That's all for me. Don’t be bored, relax, especially now in the summer. See you at!


Summer is a wonderful season to finally give free rein to your desires and dreams and go on a long-awaited vacation. Although, however, any season opens the door to a good rest. Colleagues come back tanned and rested every now and then, showing colorful photographs and sharing funny stories. And you are sitting in the office and wondering where to go on a limited budget so as not to lag behind your inspired colleagues.

The most important postulates of any vacation: get a good night’s sleep, devote time to hobbies, change the environment, don’t keep track of time and, of course, gain new emotions and impressions.

Below we offer 10 ideas on how to spend a vacation on a limited budget. At the same time, positive emotions are guaranteed regardless of location and type of activity.

10. Short trips

If the vacation is short, fatigue does not allow you to spend energy on active flights and crossings, then you can go on vacation “locally”. We highly recommend visiting Ufa, and from there just a 7-hour drive - and you are already in Kazan, where you can see the local Kremlin, the famous Annunciation Cathedral and mosques. And 10 hours of travel will lead you to Yekaterinburg with its famous sculptures to famous people and beautiful architecture. The entire Golden Ring of Russia is open for exploration - Kostroma, Rostov, Sergiev Posad, Vladimir and other beautiful cities. Arrange an educational tour without staying in each city for more than 2-3 days to cover more amazing places.

9. Advanced training or retraining

There are people who really enjoy working, but their souls and bodies are asking for new experiences. You can perfectly combine business with pleasure. Workaholics can enroll in courses that allow them to acquire new skills or knowledge, retrain for another profile, improve their qualifications, etc. They are often held in various cities around the country, and some seminars are even abroad, which will allow you to relax for the benefit of your career . Some trainings and business seminars involve active games, various quests and difficult tasks that will help you unite with a new team, make useful contacts and friends, and share a lot of impressions.

8. Natural attractions of Russia

Mother Russia is rich in natural landscapes and nature reserves. Believe me, leaving the usual metropolis, you will be able to plunge into a completely different world of mystery and tranquility of nature. For travel, we recommend the Altai Mountains, the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk, Lake Baikal, wild and beautiful Karelia, the famous Weathering Pillars, and the Curonian Spit. Every person should visit Baikal, since the nature of the area is a UNESCO heritage site. Beautiful blue water, amazing flora and fauna - a real nirvana for a soul tired of the hustle and bustle of work.

7. Relax at home

Someone will think that there is nothing worse than spending a vacation at home without changing either the decor or the atmosphere. Of course, we are not encouraging you to do household chores, do general cleaning or visit your neighbors. You can simply have a good vacation without leaving the city. Come up with an intensive program for every day, for example, watch city events (exhibitions, fairs, concerts). You can visit local museums, terrariums, wax houses, theaters, enjoy city architecture, and explore areas you have never walked in before. It's time to visit a new restaurant or buy a ticket to a circus that has just arrived. After all, in a city park you can read a coveted book that you haven’t gotten your hands on for a long time.

6. Beach holidays in Russia

Russia can offer not only cultural recreation in historical places, but also active beach tourism. Resorts of Azov, the Baltic and Black Seas, and the Krasnodar Territory attract tourists from all over the former USSR. Vacations are affordable and can also be filled with a wide variety of excursions and entertainment. The best beaches, surrounded by natural landscape, are best seen in the Crimea (Feodosia, Evpatoria and other cities of the South Coast) and in the Caucasus. Lake Seliger, the village of Nebug, the famous Sochi, Yeisk, Anapa and Gelendzhik are also considered a resort area.

5. Go on vacation in Bashkiria

Who would have thought that in this country you can fully relax and gain impressions, but “little Switzerland” really contains unique places, such as the Kapova Cave, lakes (Kandrykul, Aslykul, Talkas), the Zilim River, the Nugush Reservoir. Everyone recommends visiting the Akhunovo menhirs, which will completely replace an expensive and tiring trip to the English Stonehenge.

4. Visa-free European countries

Small European states that have opened a visa-free regime for residents of the post-Soviet space are becoming increasingly popular. This includes Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as amazing Serbia. Unique natural landscapes, mountains and seas, winding rivers, and at the same time a European level of service. Prices for tours to these countries are quite reasonable, which makes it possible to visit various historical places and excursions. The language barrier in these countries is minimal - many speak Russian and English well. A comfortable climate for relaxation and a warm attitude towards guests will allow you to have a great rest, especially since the non-tiring flight from Moscow takes only 2.5-3 hours.

3. Traveling through one of the countries of the former USSR

If you have already traveled all over Russia and want a change of scenery, then other CIS countries and the post-Soviet space are also open to you. Moreover, their prices are not so dependent on foreign currency fluctuations. We suggest you go to Abkhazia, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan. You can travel to most countries only with a Russian passport, and some require a foreign passport, but without the need for a visa. Try the unique national cuisine, admire the mountainous terrain and simply unwind in an unfamiliar country.

2. Trips to the country, countryside or nature

Treat yourself to a vacation in your own Prostokvashino. It is not at all necessary to prepare for the dacha for sowing, watering, and harvesting. Of course, a little physical activity will strengthen the muscle corset and benefit your body, but there is no need to overdo it. Go outside the city just to breathe in the clean air, permeated with the aromas of hay or herbs. Arrange yourself a series of barbecues and other preparations over the fire. Collect medicinal herbs to add to aromatic tea in winter, go productive fishing, dry mushrooms for future use, swim in a river or reservoir. And the opportunity to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries from the garden will help the body restore metabolism, replenish vitamin deficiencies and restore a healthy glow.

1. Resorts of Turkey and Egypt

The famous “all inclusive” has attracted our tourists for many years. It’s very convenient when, without any visa, you can visit the Cote d’Azur and well-groomed beaches, drink refreshing smoothies and fill your belly with local delicacies. At the same time, these resorts are rich in truly unique attractions, such as Pamukkale, the Sphinx, the pyramids of Tunisia, etc. Travel agencies every now and then throw out last-minute tours that allow you to relax affordably. A chocolate tan and complete nirvana make holidays in hot countries popular at all times.

Wherever you decide to vacation, remember that a carefully planned program is the key to success. Make a list of events and excursions that you would like to attend in advance, and try not to deviate from your plan in order to capture the maximum positive impressions.

The long-awaited vacation or weekend has arrived, and you are broke. There is no money for vacation, and there is no prospect of it. The situation is very real and we won’t go into details: what, how, and why. It can happen to anyone. Therefore, it’s better to think about whether it’s possible to relax without money.

Following Winnie the Pooh's example and visiting someone is a bad idea. Firstly, you won’t go on a visit empty-handed, and secondly, having such a cunning habit, you can quickly lose friends and simply stop being allowed into their house (unless it’s your parents’ house)

But other options are quite real. You can feel happy and rested even with a small amount of money!

How to make good use of your time without money

1. Having a day off and no money is a great chance to study the market segment that interests you. Let's say you are going to buy a mobile phone or some household appliances, or a new sofa. Or maybe you are preparing for a renovation? When else will you have the opportunity to wander around the shops, look at the goods, and study the prices without damaging your wallet? You will discover many unexpected moments. Prices, it turns out, fluctuate, you can buy the coveted model cheaper, you just need to know the places. The same goes for building materials, etc.

2. You can spend your time profitably in a large shopping center. Why not try on beautiful things, shoes, get acquainted with samples of cosmetics, perfumes.) As soon as the money appears, you will be ready to make a purchase.)

Here (that is, in supermarkets) you can even eat for free, tasting food and drinks.

3. If you want something tasty, go to the market. In the dairy aisles you will simply beg to try homemade cottage cheese, feta cheese, cream and sour cream. In the sausage aisles there are smoked meats, brawn, balyki, boiled pork. In the fish rows there are herring and sprat of different salting, hot and cold smoked fish, balyk. In the fruit rows there are apples and pears. It is advisable to dress decently in order to make a good impression on the traders and, of course, take with you a shopping bag or basket (supposedly for shopping)

How to relax without money

How to relax with little money

6.Movement is life and the best form of relaxation. You don't have to go to an expensive club or bowling alley. You can arrange a free bike ride with the whole family or with a group of friends, or roller skating. Surely everyone has a favorite corner of nature in a park, square, by the river, outside the city. A minimum food set - and you have a wonderful picnic with friends. Outdoor games, communication, songs with a guitar - what could be a better vacation?

7.You can throw a pool party at your home. Condition for all invitees: bring a bottle of alcohol and one type of snack. Believe me, the company has 4-5 people. there is a chance to have a great time. Want a non-alcoholic party? It’s even simpler: you buy tea, coffee, and sweets again together. Music, dancing, games and other entertainment to suit your taste.

8.Register on Couponator. This is a discount site. Every day you will receive information about what and where is being sold at half the price, or even for one tenth of the price.

The list of discount promotions necessarily includes cosmetic procedures, culinary delights (sushi, pizza), visits to the sauna, swimming pool, spa treatments, and country holidays. It happens that some offers are offered at ridiculous prices! Isn't this a chance to relax with almost no money? Well, at least for a minimal or nominal fee.

9.If you need to organize your vacation for longer, then carefully monitor discount promotions. You will definitely be lucky and you will become the happy owner of coupons with which you can relax at one of the famous resorts in the country or abroad for a minimal price.