Where is Brno located in which country. Old Brno: favorite attractions. What to see and where to go in Brno

Brno is an ancient city in the Czech Republic, visited by millions of tourists every year. It is the second city after (the capital of the Czech Republic) and the center of Moravia.

The city of Brno is extremely rich in traditions, customs and events that took place there. An interesting fact is that almost the entire historical part of the city (starting from the 13th century) has been preserved to this day in its original form. Fortresses, castles, cathedrals are organically combined with modern high-tech buildings.

One day is not enough for you to explore all the architectural monuments and interesting places. At the same time, you can easily find all the attractions of this city on your own, because most of them are located in the center or near train stations.

In this article, we will look at the most important attractions of Brno, which you can see in one day, spend useful and enjoyable leisure time alone or with your family, and not miss the chance to plunge into the ancient history of Europe.

A symbol of the city, an administrative building with an unusual history. The Town Hall is located next to the Green Market Square, directly in the city center, so getting to it is not difficult.

In the past there was a court, a city council, and now a storage facility for important documents. And in one of the rooms the Brno dragon is kept - a stuffed animal of a huge crocodile brought from Turkey back in the 17th century.

In the courtyard of the town hall, various events are held almost every day: concerts and exhibitions.

A 13th-century building located in Jacob's Square.

Over the course of several centuries, the church has undergone many reconstructions and will be of great interest to lovers of architecture and design, as it is a striking example of a combination of Romanesque and Gothic styles.

St. Jacob's Cathedral is a spiritual center where church ceremonies and services are still held.

The church is open to visitors from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., at Jakubska 11.

But you should remember that during baptisms, weddings and funerals, entry into the temple is strictly prohibited.

You will come across the image of this castle as soon as you get your hands on a 10-crown coin. The sight of this powerful fortress with its picturesque surroundings will take your breath away and you will be amazed by the majestic size of this structure. Very often various festivals and fencing competitions are held here.

The castle museum itself represents a combination of three architectural styles: Renaissance, Baroque and Gothic. The existing observation deck will allow you to see the entire city and the entire panorama of Brno will be visible at a glance.

Open from 9.00 to 17.00, adult ticket - 90 CZK, child and discount ticket - 50 CZK.

Beer connoisseurs cannot do without a visit to the Starborno brewery. The beer garden serves local beer, as well as a restaurant and bar. This means that here you can try not only fresh Czech beer, but also national dishes.

The cost of beer for a 0.5l mug ranges from 30 to 50 CZK.

It has existed from the 18th century to the present day, with a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits and flowers. Open from early morning until late evening.

In the center of the square is the famous Parnassus fountain with a stone statue of the goddess Europa on a dragon.

In the vicinity of the market there is the Dietrichstein Palace with a museum inside.

The main specialization of the museum is craft exhibitions and displays that tell about the history of Moravia.

You can also quickly and inexpensively have a snack in one of the many cafes or bars.

Getting to the Cabbage Market is not difficult, from the main station by trams 4,8,9.

The cathedral was erected on Peter's Hill in the 18th century, and another historical landmark is located nearby - the bishop's palace.

Behind the temple there is an observation deck, from which you can admire the surroundings of Brno, and the two highest spiers of the cathedral are visible from anywhere in the city.

The only building in the Czech Republic of the 20th century, in the Art Nouveau style, which is included in the UNESCO list as an object of world significance. The villa was built in the early thirties of the last century, but the modernity of the style is amazing (the elegant interior of the house is expressed in minimalism and detailed furnishings).

The monastery is located on the former territory of the Brno Coal Market.

It combines both the present and the past of the country. It hosts not only performances, but also the most important city events. The repertoire is based on plays by Czech playwrights.

Drama, ballet and opera performances take place throughout the theater season. Feedback from those who visited the theater is always emotional and vivid.

The theater is located on the territory of the Cabbage Market and can be reached by trams 4,8,9 from the main station.

The most beautiful social place in the city. On this square, of an unusual triangular shape, there is a huge number of architectural monuments: the figure of the Virgin Mary, the Brno Orloj clock, figures of Atlanteans and many others.

Here you will definitely have the opportunity to take unique selfies and photos.

What to see with children? If, nevertheless, your trip takes place with your family and children, then the first thing you simply need to do is go to zoo

, which houses more than one and a half thousand rare and outlandish animals. In addition to the usual inspection, visit petting zoo

  • , where children will have the opportunity to interact with the animal world (pet and feed animals, ride a pony, photo and video shooting is allowed for a reasonable fee - 10-30 CZK).
  • You can get there either by personal transport (parking is available at the entrance) or by public transport - bus 50, 52; trolleybus 30 and trams 1, 3, 11.
  • The price of an adult ticket is 100 CZK, a child ticket is 70 CZK, children under three years old are free.

Visiting hours are from 9.00 to 18.00.

There is something to see for passionate nature lovers and lovers of fresh air. They are encouraged to visit. According to tourists' descriptions, it is better to visit there in spring and summer, when everything is in bloom and you will have the opportunity to see collections of various exotic plants and their hybrids.

A visit to the garden of miniatures will be exciting, which will be equally interesting for both children and adults.

Brno is an amazing place with a unique history, rich in local flavor.

Visit one of the most beautiful cities in the Czech Republic - Brno and you will definitely fall in love with it at first sight, and the desire to visit it again and again will persist for a long time!

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History of the city of Brno

Starting from the 5th century AD, the territory in which the city is located began to be inhabited by humans. At the turn of the two millennia, the settlement of Brno arose here, next to the ford across Svratka, which gave its name to the city (today it is Old Brno).

Chronicles mention Brno in the 11th century. like the castle of the Přemyslid family; from the end of the 12th century. The Břetislav Free Castle around it is the center of the Přemyslidsky appanage principality. From that time until 1939, Brno acquired the glory of a fortress city, the only one in Moravia that did not submit to the conquerors. Although the Hussites, the Swedes (twice), and the Prussians stood under its walls. Erected here in the 13th century. Špilberk Castle, which gained the glory of an impregnable fortress, has been built since the end of the 18th century. for decades it was turned into the most terrible prison in Europe, which went down in its history as the “Prison of Nations.”

Crafts and trade flourished in Brno twice: the first time in the 14th century, the second in the 18th century. By the 1840s, the booming textile and construction industries, as well as the city's transformation into a major railway junction, made Brno the "Czech Manchester".

In November 1939, the city, which had been part of Czechoslovakia since 1918, was occupied by Nazi Germany. The Second World War inflicted heavy damage on Brno three times: by the occupation regime, the bombing of Anglo-American aircraft and the forced deportation of the German population by the communists to neighboring Austria.

Today Brno, the administrative center of the South Moravian region, is one of the leading economic centers of the Czech Republic, as well as a constellation of historical and architectural monuments.

Sights of Brno

There are a number of attractions in Brno that guides and guidebooks recommend visiting. The most famous of them:

The Špilberk fortress was stormed by both the Swedes and the Russians, but the walls stood and did not submit to anyone. In the 19th century, the gloomy-looking building was turned into the most famous prison of Austria-Hungary. The attraction is located on a hill west of the city center.

The Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul was erected at the end of the 13th century on Peter's Hill. Next to the Cathedral is the Episcopal Palace. They say that the Swedes who besieged the city in 1645 could not capture the rebellious fortress. Their leader, tired of the long battle, swore an oath to stop the assault and withdraw the troops if the townspeople did not surrender before noon. The Swedes rushed into battle with renewed vigor, when suddenly the bell ringer in the bell tower struck twelve strokes an hour earlier. The invaders immediately left the fortress walls, and from that day the local bell tower chimes twelve times at 11 o’clock. The two spiers of the Cathedral, soaring into the Moravian sky, dominate the city. They can be observed from almost anywhere in Brno. Behind the temple there is an entrance to an observation deck from which you can admire a magnificent panorama of the city.

Villa Tugendhat is called the pearl of the Art Nouveau architectural style. Built in 1930 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, it is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The villa is of interest from the point of view of the elegance of the interior design, technological equipment and carefully crafted furnishing details.

An interesting place to visit may be Capuchin monastery, where representatives of noble Czech families are buried, and the monks resting here, due to the special air circulation, look as if they were alive. The Capuchin Tombs are famous for the phrase engraved on the gravestone, full of philosophical, eternal meaning: “We were like you... You will become like us...”

The most beautiful square in Brno is called Freedom Square. It has an unusual triangular shape and its main attraction is called the plague column, erected in 1679 as a token of gratitude for ridding the city of the plague. The pillar is made in the Baroque style and is decorated with a figure of the Virgin Mary and Child. Also noteworthy on the square is the facade of the house “At the Four Blockheads”, which is famous for the Atlanteans supporting the balcony, whose faces look extremely dissatisfied.

The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is located in the Cistercian monastery, founded in 1323 by Queen Eliška. In 1783, it became the property of the Augustinians and is famous for the fact that one of the monks of this order, Gregor Mendel, deduced and studied the laws of heredity here. The Temple of the Virgin Mary, located on the territory of the monastery, is unique in that it is the southernmost Gothic brick building on European territory.

The vegetable market in the center is a colorful and unique place. Trade in fruits and vegetables has been carried out here since the 13th century. The Parnassus Fountain on the market square is also a local landmark. Built in the 17th century, it is decorated with a sculpture of Hercules defeating the mythical three-headed Cerberus, and female figures symbolizing the ancient empires of Babylon, Hellas and Persia.

You can wander around Brno for hours and admire every street and every house - the old city with its centuries-old rich history is worthy of it.

Cultural life in Brno

Being the cultural and business center of the country, where many tourists and businessmen from all over the world flock every year, the city of Brno provides them with an exciting cultural and entertainment program. In addition to various historical attractions, there are many excellent theatres, museums, galleries and libraries.

In a city with a population of about 400 thousand people, there are almost two dozen theaters. The Redoubt building, one of the oldest and most famous theaters, adorns the Vegetable Market Square. Now on its stage, as well as in the other two theaters named Magen and Janacek, performances of the National Theater are performed. It was on its stage that Mozart's first performance took place.
Among the most popular are also: Brno City Theater, Polarka, G-Studio, Seven and a Half, and the Bolek Polivki Theater. The puppet theater “Joy” is open for children.

Film lovers can visit: cinemas "Lucerna", "Kino Skala" and "Cinema City".

One of the best art centers is the gallery named after. Vannieka, is located a few minutes from the city center. In addition to the main exhibition hall, there are two thematic departments. The gallery's collection is based on works by Czech artists of the late 20th century. The works of young artists from several European countries are also exhibited here.

The second largest Moravian gallery in the country contains collections of graphics, painting, plastic arts, applied works, photography and graphic design. The gallery complex includes 5 buildings: Villa Jurkovic, Joseph Hoffmann's house, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, Mistrodřiteli and Prazaków palaces. It will be interesting to visit the galleries belonging to the Brno Cultural Center, as well as Gallery G99.

The most interesting thing in Brno will be to visit the Moravian Land Museum, which includes the Dietrichstein and Bishop's Palaces, the Atropos Pavilion and the Mendelianum. In Dietrichstein Palace you can admire the famous Vestonice Venus, the oldest ceramic figurine. In addition to it, the following are open to the public: the Museum of Romanesque Culture, the Museum of Technology and the Museum of the City of Brno.

The city of Brno has become very famous thanks to the various international festivals and fairs held there. Since 1926, the International Industrial Fair has been held here, later joined by the International Tourism, Financial and other fairs.

Every year, at the beginning of summer, the Ignis Brunensis fireworks parade is held here. Theater festivals run throughout the summer, offering performances from Shakespeare to folklore. In August, Brno Days take place, where the city's famous defense of 1645 is re-enacted. Brno is also known as the annual venue for the Brno International Music Festival, the Špilberg International Open Air Music Festival, and the youth music festivals Semtex Culture and Alternativa Brno. Relatively recently, the balloon festival “Baloon Jam” was added to them.

Gastronomic values ​​of Brno

A traveler who is lucky enough to come to the city of Brno will be pleasantly surprised by the cheapness of almost all services and food in the capital of Moravia. Suffice it to say that the average bill without wine in city restaurants is about 5 EUR, and for 100 EUR you can eat quite decently for the whole month.

Traditionally, meat dishes are very common in the Czech Republic - beef, pork, venison, which must be marinated before cooking. Poultry, especially fried goose, is considered a delicacy; red cabbage is usually served as a side dish. Another national dish that certainly accompanies every lunch is dumplings - boiled pieces of dough, served with a sauce in which to dip them. Pork knuckle is very popular, but fish is not so widespread; of all the breeds, only carp is preferred, the presence of which is mandatory on the festive table.

The Czech Republic is a country where the main drink is beer. Beer is added to sauces and soups, meat is marinated in it, and special Olomouc small cheese curds were invented to go with beer, the production of which goes back almost six hundred years.
Besides beer, the most popular drink is Slivovitz, a very strong alcoholic drink. It is based on plum juice. Also popular is the Becherovka liqueur, which received its name in honor of its creator.

Best restaurants in Brno

The most popular restaurants in Brno are “Ristorante Rialto” (Veveří 125) and “U Kastelána” (Kotlarska 51a), you can come to them with a large group, and the chef will definitely prepare toast - a hot pork appetizer and recommend boar's knee or duck with cranberries . For dessert, be sure to take the cherry strudel or the famous walnut cake.

National cuisine is also offered by the pompous “Kaskáda” (Na Golfu č.p. 1772) and the cozy “Sherlock Holmes” (Jakubske namesti 1), where you should definitely try beer soup and fried goose. By the way, these restaurants are often visited by local residents - the best advertising for such establishments.